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我们为我司所售GEWISS RESTAR 的所有产品提供免费的2年质保服务
Excellence guarantee
Test carried out in GEWISS laboratories allow to meet all standards'
Each of the 18,000 products offered by GEWISS undergoes tests and
analysis to verify the behaviour, also in extreme situations, with the
purpose of guaranteeing the safety of the final user.
Thanks to the sophisticated instruments GEWISS laboratories
are equipped with, it is possible to carry out tests both on the
finished product and on its single components, in order to improve
performance beyond the standards' defined values.
Analysis and surveying are present in each lifecycle phase of the product, from the materials acceptance to design, all the way to production. Indeed, incoming raw materials undergo analysis to verify both chemical characteristics and behaviour in case of exposure to atmospheric agents.
Only thanks to all these procedures can the efficiency of the production cycle be guaranteed as excellence is determined by the sum of the qualities of all components playing any role within this delicate process.